Artist List

The Historical Society of Woodstock’s fine art collection contains over 700 works, including paintings, prints, watercolors, drawings and sculpture. It has been assembled since the 1930’s with donations from Woodstock artists, individuals and estates. In the 1980s, Sam Klein, director of acquisitions, gave major encouragement to local artists to donate their work to the HSW collection, and also gathered works of earlier historical significance. With very few exceptions, the artists represented in the collection have played an active role in the social and historical fabric of the art colony. The collection includes portraits of leading local individuals, artists and musicians; views of noteworthy houses, streets, places of business and architecture; views of rural life, events and village scenes; and landscapes that capture Woodstock’s unique natural character and exquisite beauty.

NAMEDate of birthDate of death
Ackerman, Bruce1935
Alan, Jay Klein19071965
Alexander, Franklin19252007
Allen, Bill
Anderson, David Stoutenburg
Angeloch, Mara19302013
Angeloch, Robert19222011
Appel, Marianne19131988
Arlt, William18681952
Arnold, Dean19161981
Arnold, Grant19041988
Arnt, Paul18811978
Artinian, Artine19072005
Avery, March1932
Avery, Milton18931965
Avery, Sally Michel19022003
Axel, Jane19252015
Bachinsky, Olenka1945
Bachinsky, Vladimir1936
Bacon, Norman1945
Baensch, Christian E.19312004
Banks, John Lisney18601940
Barrere, Cecile
Beck, Rosemarie19232003
Beere, Tommy (Zaidenberg)19082001
Beggs, Mary Jane
Bender, Leslie1952
Bentley, John W.18801951
Berg, Jonathan
Betrand, Silviana
Bickham, Helen
Bierhals, Agnes Baskin18931976
Bierhals, Otto18791944
Blacker, E.
Blanch, Arnold18961968
Blanch, Lucile18951981
Blitzer, Bobby1938
Bloch, Julius18881966
Bobbette, Walter18611938
Bollman, Mari
Bolton, Clarence W.18931962
Borkman, Elfriede (Mangels)19051994
Brace, Reeves18981932
Braun, Lynda Fay
Breth, Adele19081988
Broad, Elizabeth
Brokenshaw, Brock (Frank T.)19122004
Brokenshaw, Louise19071992
Bromberg, Manuel19172022
Brook, Alexander18981980
Brower, Tode18981974
Brown, Bolton18641936
Brown, Clarence18901987
Brown, Pamela (Ravenal)18831955
Brown, Susann Foster1944
Buhalis, Nicholas19291994
Bullard, Marion18781950
Burgess, J.
Burke, Ainslie19221991
Burlin, Paul18861969
Bush, Clare1935
Buttrick, Helen Goodrich19241961
Byman, Isabelle19061981
Cabot, Petra19072006
Cantine, Jo18931987
Cantine, Rennie1959
Carey, Alan1946
Carlson, John F.18751945
Carlson, Robert19161963
Carroll, John18921959
Cashdollar, Sarah18711952
Chambers, Richard Munsell19091963
Chaplin, Christine19001979
Chase, Marion Cornet18741957
Chavez, Eduardo19171995
Chichester, Cecil18911948
Claire, Leilani19422005
Cochran, Allen Dean18881971
Cohen, Adele B.
Corbett, David W.19432012
Cramer, Aileen B.19172005
Cramer, Florence Ballin18841962
Cramer, Konrad18881963
Crampton, Rollin McNeil18861970
Crane, Stanley19061973
Crist, Richard19091985
Currie, Bruce19112011
Currier, Nathaniel18131888
Davidson, Jean19232003
Davies, Gwen18891976
De Diego, Julio19001979
Decker, Lindsey19231994
Dederick, Frances19061973
Dehn, Adolf (Arthur)18951968
Densen, Michael1941
deSoleil, Margarete
Dick, Audrey (Kessler)19302004
Dimitrievana, Anna Hitchcock
Dodds, Peggy (Williams)19001987
Dorfman, Bruce1936
Downer, Kenneth19031975
Dows, Olin19041981
Drake, Franklin R.19292001
Drogseth, Eistein Olaf18741947
DuCharme, Annick19191990
Earley, Mary19001992
Edwards, Eleanor19061980
Edwards, Emmet19061981
Elder, Donald
Elliott, Joan1956
Ernst, John G.19201995
Esposito, Michael1940
Everett, M.
Evett, Kenneth19132005
Faggi, Alfeo18851966
Farrell, Elizabeth
Fasoldt, Staats
Fastove, Aaron18981979
Fenton, John (Jack)19121977
Fenton, Sophie19162005
Fiene, Ernest18941965
Fiene, Paul18991949
Fischer, Anton Otto18821962
Flannagan, John Bernard18951942
Forman, Cecile19051995
Fortess, Karl19071993
Foster, Holland19061984
Frank, Mary1933
Franklin, George
Fruhauf, Aline19071978
Gardiner, B. Sturdevant18931990
Gaw,D'Arcy ((Elizabeth Eleanor)18681944
Gelfand, Dan1948
Geltman, Lily19032000
Gerardia, Helen19031988
Germain, Cecile19122004
Gershoy, Eugenie19011986
Glaser, Milton19292020
Godwin, Stephanie19172006
Goetz, MaryAnna1946
Goltz, Walter (Pop)18751953
Golubov, Maurice19051987
Goodenough, Forrest
Goodman, Joan1937
Goss, Beryl1923
Gottlieb, Harry18951992
Gottschalk, Dan19191979
Greenpepper, Dorothy A.1936
Greenwood, Grace19021979
Greenwood, Marion19091970
Gregory, Bruce G.19172002
Greiss, Avhrahan
Grimm, Calvin1945
Gudmundsen, F. Tor1949
Haeberlin, Carolyn19132000
Haile, Winifred
Handell, Albert1937
Hart, Agnes19121979
Hartman, Rosella18941993
Hastie, Barbara
Hazard, Catherine1954
Heermann, Norbert18911966
Heigemeir, Franz19302018
Herrick, Griffin J.18901958
Hervey, Wilna18941979
Herzel, Paul18761956
Hillman, Mercy Ann
Howe, Gurdon19031984
Howland, Isabella18951974
Hubbard, Florence
Huffine, David19111973
Hutty, Alfred18771954
Ives, Dorothy Greenwood18791973
Ives, Neil18901946
Jai, Ronnye (Shapiro)
James, Mary1959
Jacquez, Albert18951962
Jeffrey, Richard19192020
Johner, Carl
Johnson, Ben19021967
Johnson, Heidi Lensson
Johnson, Kristy Bishop
Jones, Jane19072001
Jones, Louis Edward18781958
Jones, Steve
Kandora, Brunie1932
Karasz, Ilonka18961981
Karavolinis, Harry
Karfiol, Bernard18861952
Karns, Adna
Kassler, Max19051992
Kelly, Pat
Kelsey, Bryn
Kent, Rockwell18821971
Keveson, Florence
Klein, Stuart1942
Kleinberg, Lee
Kleinhans, John1942
Klika, Thom19432009
Klitgaard, Georgina18931977
Koff, Ethel19181992
Komroff, Manuel18901974
Kooistra, Andrew1924
Kosakowsky, Rebecca19091984
Koschetski, Alfred
Kroll, Leon18841974
Lagatta, John18941977
Laros, Fred
Larsen, Frank18951991
Laufman, Sidney18911985
Lazansky, Edward19302022
Leaycraft, Julia Searing18851960
LeBlanc, Wilfred F.2004
Lee, Doris19051983
Lemily, W. C.
Leventhal, Ethel19111984
Levy, Martha
Lieberman, Meyer19242013
Lindin, Carl Olaf Eric18691942
Little, Marie18661949
Locke, Walter Ronald18831949
Lockspeiser, Eleanore19001986
Logan, Daniel19362021
London, Frank18751945
Love, Eva
Ludins, Eugene David19041996
Lund, Judy
MacReady, William18971956
Magafan, Ethel19161993
Malkine, Georges A.18981970
Malkine, Gilles1948
Malkine, Sonia19232014
Mandel, Howard19171999
Margules, DeHirsch18991965
Marsicano, Nicholas19081991
Marsicano, Susan Kamen
Martin, Fletcher19041979
Mason, Nan18961982
Matteson, Bartow Van Voorhis18941984
Mattson, Henry18871971
McCarthy, Carol
McCarthy, Clarence A. J.18871953
McCarthy, John
McClellan, John Ward19081986
McDaniel, Richard1948
McEvoy, Eugenie18791975
McGloughlin, Kate1962
McKnight, Alan1936
Mecklem, Austin18941951
Meltsner, Paul19051966
Metz, Frank1925
Miller, Hester Murray19031984
Millman, Edward19071964
Minewski, Alex19171979
Moore, Herman18871968
Morgan, Norma19282017
Mousseau, Roland18991980
Mower, H.W.
Mowry, Elizabeth1940
Myer, Kathryn
Naylor, Paul19412017
Nelson, Basha Ruth
Neustadt, Barbara19221998
Nichols, John Crampton18991963
O'Dell, Althea19212001
Ott, Lynfield19281998
Oxhandler, Herman18921977
Ozanne, Ellen1900
Pachner, William19152017
Pantell, Richard1951
Peters, Walt18941985
Petersham, Maude Fuller18891971
Petersham, Miska18881960
Petrov, Dimitri19191986
Pike, John19171979
Plochmann, Carolyn Gassan1926
Pollet, Joseph18971979
Pope, Thomas Benjamin18341891
Powell, Alfred J.
Presser, Josef19091967
Refregier, Anton19051979
Revzan, Daniel19081996
Reynolds, Robert DePew19361985
RKE (Unknown artist)
Rohland, Caroline Speare18851964
Rohland, Paul18841949
Rolfe, Edmund B.18771917
Rosen, Charles1878950
Rosenborg, Ralph M.19131992
Roth, Wolfgang19101988
Rothe, Mildred19031983
Ruellan, Andree19052006
Scarlett, Rolph18891984
Schnitzler, August
Schrader, Gustave19001985
Schreibman, Charles
Schumacher, William E.18701931
Schutze, Eva Watson18671935
Seaton, Emily
See, Prudence1940
Segalman, Richard19342021
Selkowitz, Robert1951
Serger, Frederick18791965
Shotwell, Helen Harvey19081989
Shultis, Ervin L.
Sirugo, Sal19202013
Sloan, Allan E.19021999
Slowinski, Tim1957
Sluizer, Kurt19111988
Slusser, Jean Paul18861978
Slutzky-Tenerowicz, Carol
Small, Hannah19031992
Smith, Anita Miller18931968
Smith, Judson18801962
Smith, Mary Dufresne18771967
Sorenson, Kay19362019
Spanier, Sam19252008
Speicher, Eugene18831962
Stagg, Jessica18911958
Steckler, Louis1899
Steele, Zulma (Parker)18811979
Steffen, Bernard J.19071980
Stein, Frances19031985
Steinhilber, Walter1879
Stone, Ramona
Stoughtenburg, David
Striebel, John Henry18921962
Summers, Nancy19272018
Tagliarino, Salvatore1946
Tandler, Rudolph18871940
Tannin, Harriet19292009
Taylor, John Williams18971983
Thatcher, Ned18831965
Turnbull, James Baare19091976
Uehara, Carole
Van Rijn, Eva1936
Varian, Dorothy18951985
Vincent, Richard
Von Arenburg, Mark
Vukovic, Mark18921973
Wachtel, Roman19081985
Walters, Carl18831955
Ward, William "Willie"19271991
Washington, Koch
Wassmer, Theodore19102006
Weinstein, Florence18951989
West, William Duke
Wetterau, Rudolf18901953
Wetterau, Margaret
White, Jean19352021
Whittredge, Euphemia
Wickiser, Ralph L.19101998
Wilson, Dorothy Gilbert18891988
Wilson, Floyd18871945
Wilson, Reginald19091993
Wiltz, Arnold18891937
Wiltz, Madeline Shiff18851966
Winslow, Earle B.18841969
Winternight, Nancy
Winters, Denny (Cherry)19071985
Woiceske, Ronau William18871953
Woiceske, Elizabeth Bush18831958
Wrolsen, Jean19201998
Zaidenberg, Arthur19031990
Zhang, Renee
Ziegler, Hank
Zimm, Bruno Louis18761943
Zimmer, Melanie Pasiencier19302000